Комунальний заклад дошкільної освіти №80 м.Кривий Ріг


Календар свят і подій. Листівки, вітання та побажання Погода в Україні

Educational Activities

Action plan

  Pre-school is the first public educational institution which implements the national policy on education.

        Priorities of the institution:

  ► contact with family;

  ► Strengthening the health of children;

  ► establishment of the foundations of morality.

           The implementation of the basic objectives and principles of education in the preschool is on priority areas:

*    patriotic education

*    legal education

*    moral education

*    environmental education

*    labor education

*    physical Education

*    artistic and aesthetic education

     The basis of the modern organization of education and educational work with children in our preschool laid student-oriented model of education, which provides for the creation of optimal conditions for the development of each child as an individual, that the whole purpose of education is a basic and fully meets the needs of the family.