Комунальний заклад дошкільної освіти №80 м.Кривий Ріг


Календар свят і подій. Листівки, вітання та побажання Погода в Україні

Our Achievements


  Teaching staff KDNZ number 80 is an active participant in the district teaching associations, meetings, conferences, psychological and educational workshops, seminars, competitions, national presentations. Willingly shares his narobkamy in educational activities at teaching conferences, meetings, through the media and others.

     One of the objectives is to provide a favorable social and psychological climate in the team that helps to reveal the creative potential of the individual.   

  Since 2001, the institution is a reference on the "Development of creative abilities of preschool children", which aims to create conditions for children in their creative abilities and inclinations, providing mental and physical health of children discover the physical, intellectual, humanistic potential of preschool children in art and aesthetic and creative activities, by psycho-diagnostics, innovative technologies and alternative methods.

     Since 2009 the institution became a stronghold on the question of legal education in the neighborhood, on the basis of which involves meetings with lawyers and representatives of law enforcement and others.

     Since 2010, institution actively working on regional scientific and methodological problems "Creative Education for the development of innovative child's personality." This is evidenced by the active participation of teachers in the technical work of the city and region.


We are proud of their achievements:


2004 - winner of the city contest "Funny Avtobukvaryk" as "planning";

 2006 - winner of the competition of urban children's work "The city, which always   

 sunny" in the category "Paper miracle" for work "Tree of Life";

 2006 - second place in the city New Year Competition-registration education and organization of the winter holidays.;

2007 - school won the city reviews-children amateur contest "Star Kindergarten - Hometown" in the "Synthesis of Arts";

 2009 - second place in the city review-competition for the better organization of work of legal education and legal education in the nomination "The best organization of the state of legal education and labor education in pre-school";

 In 2011 - pre-school took part in three exhibition-presentation "Innovation in Contemporary Education" and presented the work to implement the National program of legal education and teaching development for its maintenance.

Repeatedly staff of the institution was marked by letter "for exemplary educational institution preparing for the new school year."

    On the basis of pre-school conducted by city and district events: "Marathon of independent artistic activity in pre-school," artistic statements "Formation of art and aesthetic competence of preschoolers' meeting methodological associations and others.